Recognition, accreditation and expertise

wall-dest-qual-200 Since October 2018, the Aquarium-Muséum has been awarded the Wallonie Destination Qualité label. This label means that the Aquarium-Muséum is committed to a quality approach that aims to improve its services and meet visitors' expectations more effectively.
c47293f5-7731-4e18-9047-42e3a25a62a1 Since March 2014, the Aquarium-Muséum has been awarded the 4 Suns Tourist Attraction label by the Commissariat Général au Tourisme (CGT). In Wallonia, the term Tourist Attraction is a protected designation. Just as hotels have their "stars" and gîtes their "ears of corn", so recognized attractions have their "suns". The aim is to encourage a level of excellence.
logo-fwb-couleur-vertical Since January 2010, the Aquarium-Muséum, the center of excellence for animal biodiversity, has been recognized as a Category A Museum Institution by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, and as the leading institution in the field of natural science museology.
updated on 4/10/24

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